
New Pearhead Baby 1st Year Memory Book Hello Baby Grey and Gold – | baby boutique & care hub Bath Potty

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $12.95.

This First year baby memory book from Pearhead is a great gift for a baby shower!You’ll get to keep all memories o…



This First year baby memory book from Pearhead is a great gift for a baby shower!
You’ll get to keep all memories of your baby in one book.
This baby memory book has 50 guided pages which include:who this book belongs to. baby’s introduction. about mommy. about daddy. mommy and daddy’s story. family tree.
mommy’s pregnancy journey. doctor visits. baby shower. gift. guest list. delivery/birthday! Prints from hospital. birth announcement. visitors/gifts. homecoming. the world I came into.
baby’s first bath. laugh. words. crawl. steps. and more. favorite things. growth chart. sleep. eating.bathing schedule.5th birthday. friends. favorite activities. preschool. kindergarten.
art made in school. first holiday. other special memories. family moments.
Your can also include pictures of mom and dad in this baby memory book.

3″x3″ photo inserts